2010 Victory Day Fireworks in Heart of Moscow
The beautiful fireworks over Moscow Kremlin on May 9th, 2010 in honor of 65th Anniversary from WWII. This is the view from the Crimean bridge (Part of Garden Ring around old city, located nearby Gorky Park) onto Moscow-River. Photos were taken without tripod from hands because of hundreds of people were on the bridge on the time of fireworks and it was not room and time to work with tripod. The duration of fireworks that started at 22:00 sharp all around Moscow city (fired from 13 spots in different districts) were about 15 minutes and the new special effects of the main fireworks over Moscow Kremlin were stunning causing excitement of people on the bridge and many of people yelling at the moment with delight: "Russia" and "Victory"!
About Me in Short
My name's Arthur Lookyanov, I'm a private tour guide, personal driver and photographer in Moscow, Russia. I work in my business and run my website Moscow-Driver.com from 2002. Read more about me and my services, check out testimonials of my former business and travel clients from all over the World, hit me up on Twitter or other social websites. I hope that you will like my photos as well.
See you in Moscow!