The Helmet-Style Golden Dome of Vladimir Cathedral in Chersonese
Vladimirsky Sobor (St. Vladimir cathedral) was built in 1876 in Chersonesos Taurica to immortalize the place of Baptism of the Holy Prince Vladimir Equal-to-the-Apostles that happened in 10th century in Crimea peninsula (official date is 988). The majestic cathedral became one of the biggest Cathedral of Russia (height – 36 m, total area – 1726 sq. m, dome diameter – 10,5 m) that could accommodate up to a thousand church people. Its Byzantine-inspired style of architecture displays the beautiful golden dome resembling a helmet instead of an onion.
Photo #556 taken on September 12, 2013
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My name's Arthur Lookyanov, I'm a private tour guide, personal driver and photographer in Moscow, Russia. I work in my business and run my website from 2002. Read more about me and my services, check out testimonials of my former business and travel clients from all over the World, hit me up on Twitter or other social websites. I hope that you will like my photos as well.
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