Russian Field Diadem
Features: made of platinum, gold and brilliants; diadem’s total weight 588,65 g; yellow brilliant - 35,52 carats (7.1 g); consists of 1836 brilliants weighting 129,35 carats (25,87 g)
Origin: 1980, designer V.V. Nikolayev, jewelers V.V. Nikolayev and G.F. Alexakhin
The Russian Field diadem by Viktor Nikolayev and Gennady Alexakhin was the first in a series of works aimed at recreating pieces of nineteenth-century Russian jewellery that had been lost. Unfortunately, as already mentioned, many fine works of that period did not survive. They can only be seen in portraits, a few rare photographs or drawings, so Gokhran (the State Precious Metals and Gems Repository) took upon itself the task of giving a second life to some of the lost works of those years. The Russian Field Diadem was created by contemporary masters from the motifs of a superb diadem in the form of a wreath of ripe ears of rye and blue sapphire cornflowers. The diadem is not a reproduction of a lost masterpiece, not a copy, but an independent work intended to recreate the image of jewels from the Imperial treasury that have not survived. Nikolayev interweaves the ripe rye ears not with cornflowers, but with tiny flowers and buds of flax. The master fastens the flowers and buds to the stalks freely, so as to emphasis the beauty of the large central diamond with a golden tinge, weighing 35.52 carats, which symbolizes the sun in the composition. The diamonds used in the diadem are all colorless, yet the spectator not only sees white stalks and flowers, but also ears of a deep golden hue. This effect is achieved by using two precious metals, gold and platinum. The setting for the diamonds adorning the ears of rye is made of gold. It colours the diamonds with reflections of its own warm shade, which makes the whole composition lively and expressive.
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My name's Arthur Lookyanov, I'm a private tour guide, personal driver and photographer in Moscow, Russia. I work in my business and run my website from 2002. Read more about me and my services, check out testimonials of my former business and travel clients from all over the World, hit me up on Twitter or other social websites. I hope that you will like my photos as well.
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