Three-tier Bell Tower of St. George Church in Snowfall
Angled view of the three-tier bell tower of the Church of St. George the Victorious on Varvarka street from the side of Zaryadye Park in snowfall in the winter season. The bell tower was built in the years 1818-1819 in the neo-Gothic style at the expense of the parishioner of this church, the merchant Pyotr Fedorovich Solovyov. The bell tower stands on the podklet (basement) of an earlier building, which was lost forever during the Moscow fire in early September 1812 during the occupation of the city by French troops. The first tier of the bell tower is decorated with pointed arches. The upper tier with a spire has a sloping roof resembling a tent crowning the structure and lancet arches characteristic of the neo-Gothic (pseudo-Gothic) style.
Photo #657 taken on December 04, 2019
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My name's Arthur Lookyanov, I'm a private tour guide, personal driver and photographer in Moscow, Russia. I work in my business and run my website from 2002. Read more about me and my services, check out testimonials of my former business and travel clients from all over the World, hit me up on Twitter or other social websites. I hope that you will like my photos as well.
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